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Chakra & Color Therapy Experiment Conclusions – What Worked & What Didn’t

Welcome back friends, family, and yogis.  This month I have an exciting report to share with you. It’s the conclusion of a year-long experiment where I studied and put into practice the techniques associated with Chakra energy and Color Therapy.  Read on to hear my lessons learned: what worked well and what could be improved. And finally, I’ll share tips on how to hone, balance, or brighten your personal energy.


When I began my Yoga Teacher Training course, I attended a lecture about Chakra energy and I was intrigued.  I have since expanded my studies by reading, “The Chakra System,” and “Eastern Body, Western Mind” by renowned Chakra specialist, Anodea Judith, who I’ll be quoting throughout this post.  By the way, if anyone is a straight-out chakra non-believer, I urge you to consider looking up this fascinating woman.  She is an author and therapist and energy healer.  She holds Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Health. And what’s most interesting to me: how she leaned into traditional science and research to corroborate her “un-traditional” beliefs of the Chakra energy system. 

I, myself was a skeptic at first. So, I decided to embark on a personal experiment to study each chakra and corresponding color wavelength. I set out to focus on one chakra for 1-2 months each, and at the end of a year, decide if the concept was nonsense or something worth investigating. 

The 7 Chakras

Before we start, I will very briefly summarize the basics of Chakras and Color Therapy.  Please read here for my take on the subjects further. 

The Chakras are subtle body energy centers along your spine.  It is generally agreed that there exist 7 primary chakras. Each one is associated with more emotional aspect of your being.  For example, your Root chakra focuses on stability and security, while your Throat chakra revolves around self-expression and communication.

How we feel, physically, mentally, and emotionally, at any given moment, is said to be related to the health or lack thereof, of our chakra energies.  And, good news, this energy is not permanent. We can ‘fix,’ ‘heal,’ or ‘work on’ each of our chakras to address any imbalances. 

Color Therapy

Each Chakra has its own unique color.  Starting at the base of your spine, your first Root Chakra begins with red, the second Chakra Orange, etc. They continue through ROYGBIV, to your 7th Crown Chakra ending with Violet.

The rainbow hues of the chakras intrigue me, especially how it corroborates the idea of Color Therapy or Chromotherapy.  This is the, “idea that showing people different colors – or specific colors – can help treat both mental distress and even physical pain.”  – Real Simple

I know it can be hard to digest that something so simple could have profound effects.  Judith helps explain writing,

“If we consider that a large percentage of our information comes to us in visual form, and that visual information is perceived as patterns of color, the subtle changes in frequency exhibited by light must have an enormous effect upon our minds and bodies.”

Wheels of life: A User’s guide to the chakra system – anodea judith
Chakra Practices

There are many ways to enhance your Chakra Energy or engage in Color Therapy.  In an attempt to be the most scientific I can be, in such an unusual investigation, I will document the practices I focused on:


Yes, Fashion – in the name of science!  This is just a personal enjoyment of mine, so it was fun for me to experiment with.  Each month I combed my closet (and my kids’ closets) for every article of clothing or accessory in the chosen Chakra color, and set it aside.  I made an effort to wear these selections more that month.  And if my budget allowed, I would purchase additional clothes or accessories, some attempting to match one or both of my children.  Here are a few of my favorite twinning outfits. 


Different gemstones are said to have chakra healing properties.  I separated all the gemstones I (or my daughter) had received as gifts from my rock-lover Mother-in-law, and Geologist Brother-in-law, by color.  I displayed these in my reading corner, and held them during my moments of or reading.  And occasionally I made a field trip to the Chakra Shack in Laguna Beach, and purchased a few new stones or gemstone jewelry. 

Home Décor

At the transition of each chakra and color change, I added that color throughout the house in inexpensive ways.  I bought kitchen and bath towels in seasonal or holiday colors.  I swapped out throw pillow covers.  I searched our collection of books for matching cover jackets and stacked them on coffee table trays.  I even scoured Pinterest and selected architectural images in vibrant hues. Then, I had them printed at Staples, and inserted these into my frames.   

Essential Oils and Candles

I bought a few different essential oils and candles with the scents that were associated with each Chakra. I diffused them into my humidifier or lit the candles during my yoga sessions or before bedtime. 

Yoga Postures

I researched yoga postures that were said to be associated with each Chakra, and incorporated these poses in the Yoga classes I taught. In addition, I repeated them at home in my personal practice. 


Without further ado, I will state my conclusions. 

Emotional Relationship – Thumbs Up

I think I can safely say that I experienced benefits with each associated emotional aspect to the chakra.  For example,

I explored Red during the months of July and December.  Red is the color of the Root Chakra, which is the energy that keeps you grounded, present and at one with your earthly body.  I actually do feel that I am more content with my body than I have been in a long time.  And that is saying something since I just turned 40 – milestone years are not the best for self-confidence!  Feel free to read my thoughts about entering this decade here

Or here’s another example I highlighted Orange, and the Sacral Chakra in October.   This energy center is associated with passion and creativity.  And I definitely felt more creative than I have in years.  The pandemic was truly draining on my imagination and output where I could barely even open my laptop to write.  And now I find words flowing and ideas come to me at random moments in the shower or on my commute. 

So as these emotional aspects relate to chakras and color, I give Chakra ‘work’ a thumbs up and I plan to continue the practice. 

Physical Relationship – Thumbs Down

I have to admit, I was kind-of hoping that my work with chakra energy or color therapy would be the silver bullet to eliminate my chronic shoulder pain. But sadly, this has not been the case.  Many of the books I’ve read state that removing chakra ‘blocks’ can result in physical and bodily changes.  I’ve even heard on a podcast that a woman uses gemstones in lieu of coffee – there are certain stones that are believed to energize you.  I have not had this experience. 

But I’m not giving up hope.  Maybe it takes longer than one year, or different practices to physically alter a body.  Or maybe it’s unique to each individual.  I still say it’s worth trying!  But I’ll keep the Motrin on hand, and maintain my monthly deep tissue massages to manage my pain. 

Mental Awareness

If anything, I think the biggest takeaway I’ve experienced, is that the chakra work has made me more aware of emotional energy – for myself and others. 

For example, this month I was focusing on the Heart Chakra, and it’s connection to Love.  Obviously I will always love my children.  But there were TOUGH moments where they just pushed my buttons.  In these moments, I was hyper-aware that I was not exhibiting the energetic love I wanted to.  And I intentionally returned to my chakra practices to address the rebalance.   

Also, I’m more able to recognize energy in others.  Sometimes I can sense that an individual is deficient or excessive in certain chakras.  I have friend who is so fidgety and flighty; I believe she exists in her upper chakras and struggles with her lower root chakra.  She is slightly overweight and not comfortable with her size.  Her mind is so sharp though, and she excels in her communication and career.  I believe some root chakra practices would help boost her body confidence and ground her presence. 

Tips for moving forward

Therefore, I believe that the ideas of Chakras and Color Therapy are effective and worth pursuing.  Although this is the end to my one-year experiment, I plan to continue these practices, perhaps not so aggressively. 

Body Inventory

If you’re not sure where to begin, I suggest you take an inventory of your body.  Judith calls the Chakra System our Personal Roadmap, 

“The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver.  Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map.”

Anodea judith

When we are in tune with our bodies, we can identify what is out of balance.  That is our map telling us to move toward that energy center and do the work to restore homeostasis – physically or emotionally. 

For example, if you’re having digestive issues or struggle with lack of confidence, review the Map – The Chakra Guide.   You’ll find that it is the Solar Plexus Chakra that is associated with these characteristics, and you can review and practice the techniques that are said to “unblock” or “open” the chakra.

Rainbow Bridge

Alternately, you can begin with the 1st Root Chakra and move forward.  Judith also calls the Chakra System the Rainbow Bridge.  You begin on one side, your earthly side, and step through each chakra color of the rainbow, to end up on the other side of the bridge – your divine side. 

I find this metaphor particularly pleasing at this time of year, when we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  Maybe all those little leprechauns are not as materialistic as we suppose – perhaps they really searching for the rainbow to discover the gold of God! 

Architecture of the Soul

I will end with a one final visual.  This really helped me connect my meditation breathwork to my chakras.  Judith also refers to The Chakra System as the “Architecture of the Soul,” which resonates with me, since I am in fact, an Architect by day. 

Many texts on the Chakras describe the 3 main “Nadis” or energy channels.  The Sushumna is the central highway running up our spine.  The Ida channel coils around the Sushumna in one direction, and the Pingala channel coils around in the other direction.  In between the intersections of these 3 coiling Nadis, lies the Chakras. 

Now try this –  visualize your breath.  Inhale starting at the base of your spine, traveling up through the Ida channel, rotating along the Sushumna.  As this breath passes each chakra, the current spins the chakra energy, releasing any blockages.  At the crown of your head exhale down the Pingala channel.  Imagine this oxygen as a track, spinning the gears of each chakra along the way. 

Maybe this idea of currents and gears can help you picture your energy as you breathe throughout your own meditation, or moments of reflection. 


Have you heard of a Caduceus?  Maybe you’ve seen this symbol before.  It’s sometimes on ambulances, elevators, or hospitals.   This medical website defines it,

“The caduceus, a staff with two snakes coiled around it, is the official insignia of the United States Medical Corps, Navy Pharmacy Division, and the Public Health Service.” 

It’s a really interesting read if you have another minute – they even throw in some mythology!

Does this image look familiar??  It’s pretty close to the Chakra Nadis I described earlier!  The 2 snakes coiling up the rod?  I love this little connection between Eastern Chakra Wisdom and Western Scientific Medicine. 

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my findings of this strange little experiment. Or, perhaps, learned something new about the Chakras and Color Therapy.  I find this subject really fascinating so please, please, if you have any feedback, I would love to hear it. 

Feel free to leave a comment below, sign up for my Email Newsletter to chat with me via email, follow me on Instagram to visually see how I play with color, or come to one of the Yoga classes I teach to connect to your chakras through postures.  Thank you for reading!  – Leila


  • Jill
    March 10, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    It’s been really interesting following your journey through the blog and in real life over the past year. The awareness aspect has definitely been my main takeaway from this and is something I’m working on for myself anyway (or maybe as a result of this?) I do hope you stick with incorporating color in your life even if it’s to help remind you of what you want to project on that day. I feel like that’s part of what fashion and clothes do in general.

    • Leila La Fontaine
      March 13, 2023 at 12:49 pm

      Thank you Jill for the awesome comment. Yes. Awareness is such a great takeaway and concept to focus on. I’ve also been setting intentions in addition to the chakra work so who knows, my results could have come from that too. And yes I plan to stick with color. It’s growing on me! And a great reminder to branch out and think more creatively about my outfit choices. You are one of my fashion inspirations 🙏🏻🙌

  • Cindy La Fontaine
    March 14, 2023 at 7:18 am

    After reading a previous blog, I started learning about chakras – I figured if my monochromatic loving daughter-in-law could bring vibrant color into her life, it was worth exploring.

    • Leila La Fontaine
      March 14, 2023 at 9:20 am

      Hahaa I wonder what that previous blog was and who that daughter is? 🤔 I am finally Utilizing the stones you gave us! 🙏🏻

  • Danielle
    March 30, 2023 at 1:07 pm

    To see you grow in another space is just fascinating. We often don’t take the time to commit to something new or stop half way through. It’s nice to see you have it 100%. I love color as you know but did not know its depths and so many further meanings.

    • Leila La Fontaine
      April 15, 2023 at 10:39 pm

      Thank you! It’s been easier to commit to pursuing topics that help me grow and interest me! Just like we spoke yesterday- who’d have thought this , 5 years ago! So glad you got something out of this, and thank you for your support! 🙏🏻


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